greetings! ... recently i've been thinking about running away to seoul (whether it's now, after i graduate, etc) and i was thinking about this past summer and how BEYONDDD amazing HK was. i love hong kong. i had such a good time there. everything was beautiful, from my hotel room to the people to the clubs to the shops to the view. haha notice how everything i mention is lifestyle-related. shiet. another person IM-ed me today and told me he liked my blog. i'm so glad, so i'm going to update with a bunch of random pics i've come across the past few days. by the way! great news! today is the first day in a long time i feel good. not genuinely happy, but stress-free, a bit relaxed, and just plain old good.

my number 1 in a new shoot for something. marie claire? vogue? not sure... but she's a m a z i n g and i feel like "amazing" is the only word in my vocabulary.