God/fate/destiny (whatever you believe in) works in strange ways:
i REALLY didn't want to go into work this morning and all week i was hoping something would happen allowing me to skip out on work. i got a pretty shocking phonecall this morning as i was walking into the office and immediately started to cry. you know when something is bad but not too sad but it just catches you totally off guard? first time this happened in my life... i felt like such a fool walking straight to my supervisor's office bawling. i hate when people i'm not close to see me cry... and who the hell cries in a work environment? (me.) anyway, my supervisor is chill and seemed pretty understanding and told me to just go home. but i know that she'll tell my boss and that my boss will be super disappointed. i was supposed to give high school students a tour of the sc campus today, but after hearing "the news", i only held hatred towards the school i love.
i don't wanna talk about my life here, but "the news" shaped how i felt today (obviously shitty as SHIT) which leads to me and my friends getting

tonight. optimism.
1. NEON is IN this spring! i want a neon mini-dress. (jessica stroup from 90210 at some mercedez fashion show event. i love how she paired a grey blazer with her dress.)

2. i've been keeping up with vanessa hudgens' style recently. didn't like her much after the naked photo scandal, but her fashion sense is totally underrated. i'm inspired. i need
ray ban aviators and those current/elliot
white skinny jeans. i love her body. haha.
3. i also want... a
light, cropped jacket!!!

topshop denim studded blazer ($90)

mcq by alexander mcqueen linen bomber ($745.......i love this.)
i want this, i want that, i want too much, but what i really need is money. money. money. money. i 100% agree with the statement "money brings you happiness."