when i'm bored and lonely (not just bored), i like to type. i don't know what it is, but i find excuses to type long emails or facebook messages to friends and family. there's something calming about it. or maybe it's simple: it keeps me busy and i feel like i'm talking to somebody. ha. right now, i'm bored and lonely (less than 2 hours until my midterm), so please cope with all this text.
if i could... no, i actually probably could. if i had enough time, i'd write a "major blogpost" (ugh writing 340) analyzing entourage and the season 7 finale.
i looked through all my old tweets and blogposts in the past few hours. my tweets made me laugh so hard, but they have a recurring theme. i'm problematic and i think i'm a bit insane.
can't believe 09 is coming to an end soon. i wrote in one of my first posts that 2008 was one of the best years. but 2009 was better. i hope it goes uphill every year from here on.
let's see if i fulfilled/kept my 09 resolutions. let me copy and paste them:
1) number 1 has been the same for the past three years. try to lose as much weight as i can...i guess my goal is to lose about 15-20 pounds and i will succeed this year!!! (pic is of miranda kerr, vickie's secret model.)
verdict: fail. fail. fail. gained 15-20, if anything... hey, i still have 2 months, but i guarantee this will be my number 1 resolution on january 1, 2010.2) drink a lot less. a lot less meaning once a week, or if i can, once every 10 days.
verdict: only a few times this year did i drink for more than 2 days in a row. :)3) spend less money and try to go shopping much much less.
verdict: fail, especially this summer when i was in korea and hong kong. i haven't gone shopping in a few weeks though and it's K I L L I N G me. this weekend? even though i have less than $100 dollars in my wallet and bank account combined? 4) get a job second semester, get a good internship in korea for the whole summer and actually stay the whole summer.
verdict: good job to me on the first part, total fail on the second. i have a good excuse though.5) be more appreciative of my parents' actions..........
verdict: i am more appreciative of what they go through for me. i'll stop here.6) and the most important: study hard and try not to doubt so much... too late to change majors now, but what if i decide to? then i will go through with it and just graduate later. or i'll just try to find a niche that i really enjoy within IR and be satisfied. who knows...
verdict: IR isn't for me, but i admit i learned a lot. i feel more intellectual and worldly than i did a few years ago. i'm basically done with the major now, anyway. too late.7) wait, one more... find love. LAUGH OUT LOUD HAHAHA HA HA HA HAH HAHAHAHA!!!
verdict: did i really write this back then?
i agree; this is too long of a post.