this look...

is sexy. but because summertime is just around the corner, it must be transformed into this:

not a huge fan of beyonce (or her style) but the nude palette with the white is perfect for this time of the year.
question of the day #1: how do you lose upper arm fat effectively and quickly? :(
question of the day #2: why do i only update my blog when i'm pulling all nighters and have a lotttttttttt of other more important shit to do?
question of the day #2: why do i only update my blog when i'm pulling all nighters and have a lotttttttttt of other more important shit to do?
ignore from here.
this doesn't make any sense and directly contradicts the point i'm trying to make in my 20 page research paper on anti-americanism in the ROK (which i haven't started yet). the US and south korea clash in FOPO policies regarding the DPRK. south koreans inherently want peaceful re-unification with their "brothers" in the north, whereas the US has generally taken on a hawkish, hard-like stance towards north korea. if the nuclear threat didn't really matter for south koreans for the past several years (and just led to stronger anti-american sentiment) then where the hell did this graph come from and why is the US-ROK alliance supported by korean citizens after nk missile tests?!?!?!?!!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just a security matter?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aka. my research is all over the fucking place. shoot me now thank you very much goodbye i love you.
aka. my research is all over the fucking place. shoot me now thank you very much goodbye i love you.