i didn't want this blog to end up being an update on my life, but it's turning out to be that way...
louieeeeeeeechoi: to keep track of my life and read it before i die
i guess that's a good way to look at it.
it's 09!!! woo!!!!!!!! had a massive, drunken, champagne-filled night that led to a semi-bad hangover and a very sore throat. 08, minus the jlkfsdjfksflds (no other way to describe it) financial meltdown, was the most amazing year so far, as in, a shitload of stuff happened. quick recap: got out of a 2 year relationship, met some people who i consider my close friends now, went to HK and spent $100000000, went to my first rave (love fest!), went down to my lowest weight at one point, had a bombass summer while papa-ing and salsa-ing, and partied hard in general.
that is such a shiteous recap. moving on to my Oh Nine Resolutions!
1) number 1 has been the same for the past three years. try to lose as much weight as i can... and become like this?:
nahhhh man, who am i kidding... impossibility right there. i guess my goal is to lose about 15-20 pounds and i will succeed this year!!! (pic is of miranda kerr, vickie's secret model.)
2) drink a lot less. a lot less meaning once a week, or if i can, once every 10 days.
3) spend less money and try to go shopping much much less.
4) get a job second semester, get a good internship in korea for the whole summer and actually stay the whole summer.
5) be more appreciative of my parents' actions..........
6) and the most important: study hard and try not to doubt so much... too late to change majors now, but what if i decide to? then i will go through with it and just graduate later. or i'll just try to find a niche that i really enjoy within IR and be satisfied. who knows...
7) wait, one more... find love. LAUGH OUT LOUD HAHAHA HA HA HA HAH HAHAHAHA!!!
these resolutions suck (i can so imagine one of my friends saying, "yeah they do!" right now); i should think more.
i got tatted a few weeks ago. i had been thinking about this one for over a year now and was way too excited to get it that i forgot about how painful it would be. i was hiiiiigh off of life after though and already want another one. addicting as hell and i already told myself i would stop after this last one but i recently thought of another really, really, really cool one. we'll see!
first! - symbolizes the chinese meaning of my korean name: light from a chaotic and crowded place (no i didn't jock c breezy and his tatt placement; i got it a year before he did!)

second! (you can barely see it in the picture) - make love and peace, not war. "볼륨을 타고 높이 높이 날아가 저 멀리~ la musiqe♬"
third! and most recent - my life motto: live free, live life with no regrets, live life to the fullest, plain and simple with the longitude and latitude of the city i love right underneath
that was such a huge post. i'm done, not tired, and still full!!! music time.