what's so appealing about a really attractive guy who's all beaten up? i have no idea, but he is most definitely my number 1.

my former obsession with dongbang is quite an embarrassing one, but this man will always be my number 2. in the beginning, michelle and i hated him the most and thought he looked like a troll, but he has the most amazing voice in the world.

even though i put him third, i think he's my ideal guy.
because these guys are all korean, i can imagine a lot of people thinking they all look the same. my favorite of all time?:
i've always been a huge fan and i might like her even more than la lohan. i came across this picture of hilary recently and it gives me motivation.
style. i'm so sick of the whole plaid shirt/leather jacket thing but i'm being 100% hypocritical because i own a good amount of plaid shirts and like to pair them up with my black leather jacket. but look at how nice it looks in this pic... ah, to be skinny and to be able to wear those white, shiny leggings.