Thursday, February 26

'cause mikey reminded me.

greetings! ... recently i've been thinking about running away to seoul (whether it's now, after i graduate, etc) and i was thinking about this past summer and how BEYONDDD amazing HK was. i love hong kong. i had such a good time there. everything was beautiful, from my hotel room to the people to the clubs to the shops to the view. haha notice how everything i mention is lifestyle-related. shiet. another person IM-ed me today and told me he liked my blog. i'm so glad, so i'm going to update with a bunch of random pics i've come across the past few days. by the way! great news! today is the first day in a long time i feel good. not genuinely happy, but stress-free, a bit relaxed, and just plain old good.

my number 1 in a new shoot for something. marie claire? vogue? not sure... but she's a m a z i n g and i feel like "amazing" is the only word in my vocabulary.

love the mens shoes; love the photo. (that looks like adriana lima, but not too sure.)

laaaa lohan is one of my favorite fashionistas and this is from a recent shoot. she's getting scarily-thin though... what's happening? part of me is jealous, and part of me is worried. how does someone drop so much weight so quickly? DRUGS. do drugs. jk...

i need this. HAHA.

소녀시대's tiffany. she's so cute!!!!!!!!

topshop stuff. as tina would say, "FIERCE."

all you need is love.

Thursday, February 19

fail. at life.

i have a midterm in precisely 3 hours and 37 minutes and i'm far from prepared. i suck at cramming. i've relocated to leavey library, and am sitting in front of a somewhat old-looking student who uses a canvas trader joes bag as his book bag and has a hugeass sticker of jesus on his white macbook.

i have no motivation whatsoever to do ANYTHING these days. what's wrong with me? i need some sugar and spice in my life!!! ah. EVERYTHING is sucking so hard.

my current obsession. i'm going crazy.

my life (sorta but not really) in one pic.

alexander wang's words of wisdom to his models before they enter the runway...

i think i should do a fashion post soon... hottest trends for spring!? what i want (but have no money whatsoever to buy) list, etc. should go study now...

Saturday, February 7

...because i haven't updated in quite a few days.

i've been going through a lot recently and i feel that all these photos put together = culmination of my feelings. visual, modern... simply beautiful. some of these just represent who i am.

the pool at the newly-opened w hotel in hong kong. this is one of the most beautiful things i've ever seen in my life.

이민호&정일우. friends.

do i even need a caption for this?

it's all about trying.

one of my favorite pics.

preppy love?

so sexy...

hotel lovin'.

i want a room like that.
