Monday, October 19

not doing my essays. instead, getting inspired in life.

"The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent; but if we can come to terms with this indifference and accept the challenges of life within the boundaries of death - however mutable man may be able to make them - our existence as a species can have genuine meaning and fulfillment. However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light." - Stanley Kubrick

sometimes i feel like a nobody, but nobodies can do something. i'm not thinking pessimistically; there's just something i'm trying to say here but don't know how to say it. when i'm over-stressed about personal things, i take a step back and realize that i'm a nobody, a nobody amidst a crazy world full of the coolest architecture, fashion, design, music, etc. and then i feel better.

Friday, October 9

i need film for my lomo.

when i'm bored and lonely (not just bored), i like to type. i don't know what it is, but i find excuses to type long emails or facebook messages to friends and family. there's something calming about it. or maybe it's simple: it keeps me busy and i feel like i'm talking to somebody. ha. right now, i'm bored and lonely (less than 2 hours until my midterm), so please cope with all this text.

if i could... no, i actually probably could. if i had enough time, i'd write a "major blogpost" (ugh writing 340) analyzing entourage and the season 7 finale.

i looked through all my old tweets and blogposts in the past few hours. my tweets made me laugh so hard, but they have a recurring theme. i'm problematic and i think i'm a bit insane.

can't believe 09 is coming to an end soon. i wrote in one of my first posts that 2008 was one of the best years. but 2009 was better. i hope it goes uphill every year from here on.

let's see if i fulfilled/kept my 09 resolutions. let me copy and paste them:
1) number 1 has been the same for the past three years. try to lose as much weight as i can...i guess my goal is to lose about 15-20 pounds and i will succeed this year!!! (pic is of miranda kerr, vickie's secret model.)
verdict: fail. fail. fail. gained 15-20, if anything... hey, i still have 2 months, but i guarantee this will be my number 1 resolution on january 1, 2010.
2) drink a lot less. a lot less meaning once a week, or if i can, once every 10 days.
verdict: only a few times this year did i drink for more than 2 days in a row. :)
3) spend less money and try to go shopping much much less.
verdict: fail, especially this summer when i was in korea and hong kong. i haven't gone shopping in a few weeks though and it's K I L L I N G me. this weekend? even though i have less than $100 dollars in my wallet and bank account combined?
4) get a job second semester, get a good internship in korea for the whole summer and actually stay the whole summer.
verdict: good job to me on the first part, total fail on the second. i have a good excuse though.
5) be more appreciative of my parents' actions..........
verdict: i am more appreciative of what they go through for me. i'll stop here.
6) and the most important: study hard and try not to doubt so much... too late to change majors now, but what if i decide to? then i will go through with it and just graduate later. or i'll just try to find a niche that i really enjoy within IR and be satisfied. who knows...
verdict: IR isn't for me, but i admit i learned a lot. i feel more intellectual and worldly than i did a few years ago. i'm basically done with the major now, anyway. too late.
7) wait, one more... find love. LAUGH OUT LOUD HAHAHA HA HA HA HAH HAHAHAHA!!!
verdict: did i really write this back then?

i agree; this is too long of a post.

Wednesday, October 7

and yes! i should be studying.

what i'd do to be in paris right now. randomly thinking about how i've never been to france before, yet alone europe. this makes me sadly realize that even though i say i love traveling, i haven't been to many places. i'll make it my goal to travel around europe in the next few years.

sasha pivovarova leaving the chloe show - the super casual, just-got-out-of-bed look never LOOKED so good...

magdalena leaving the dior show - so sick of plaid, but hey, plaid never looked so good...

dior show as well... look at them boots! i wish i looked like THAT in my leather vest.

and just a random one; not new:

image source: altamiranyc, stockholmstreetstyle

Monday, October 5

just a few pics to sum up my life... (?)

glad to hear people are still following my blog even though i'm not posting anything! i always want to post up pics when i should be doing other stuff... aka studying.

"chanel recession" - saw this on nicole richie's twitter and found it hilarious... anyone have the time to make that for me? ha.

cole's tatt placements are amazing. i want my next and last one asap.

stressed out?
me too.
good day!