Tuesday, May 24

hey hazel, i like you.

you really don't realize how amazing something is until it's gone.

no, that doesn't make sense. most things that leave my life are out of my life for a reason. most people who've exited from my life aren't in my life now for a reason. but how about those people who shouldn't have left but did???

i used to have a tutor named doug when i was in middle school/early high school who was such an amicable guy. and he did teach us a lot. i think i was in love with him when i was younger (not that i knew what love was back then and i'm not sure if i even do now) and i always told michelle that i was going to marry a guy like him. i wonder what happened to the only person i've ever met who i could truly call a life mentor...

back. how should i put this... you don't realize how amazing something is until it becomes scarce? and let me tell you... this thing is so amazing that it makes me want to scream at the top of my lungs. screw doug; i would marry this if i could. this thing that i took for granted is now my world. it's what makes me laugh. it's what makes me sleep. it's what awakens me. it's what makes my mind go crazy. it's what makes me realize i need to go buy a notebook after work today.

don't take A N Y T H I N G for granted.